All About Shrike, part ii

I have already posted some links in a previous entry, but some more articles related to Shrike have now gone online. There are three new articles in all.

The first of these is a review by Joy Silence from the LiveJournal community, Darkling Tales. The review is well-written and favourable, although there are some minor spoiler elements in it. If you're sensitive to spoilers, you might want to read carefully. (A friend advised me that he had skipped bits when it looked like he might be getting into spoiler territory.)

The second article is yet another inteview with me at The Fix.

On the same site, is another review.

I've no idea whether there will be an 'All About Shrike, part iii'. It's possible.

It's been interesting reading the different reactions reviewers have had to the novella. I wonder if I'm less sensitive to criticism than I used to be. I suppose I've never had a review that totally panned something I'd written, anyway, but I have been a bit miffed with one or two reviews in the past. I'm quite straightforward in that I prefer good reviews to bad, but I think I've been more able to enjoy the actual variety of reaction this time around. The experience of perfection – which must be subjective, I suppose – is rare in human life, it seems. It bothers me less than it used to that what I write is not greeted uniformly with that experience in others. Life is a messy business, after all. To paraphrase Denton Welch, I can only go my own sweet way.

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