Which Watchmen character are you?

I knew if I Googled those words I'd find one of those quizes. I did. My favourite Watchmen character has to be Rorschach, but I didn't think I'd turn out to be him in the quiz. I thought I'd end up being boring old Night Owl. Imagine my state of chuffedtitude, then, when it turned out that I am Silk Spectre (II). I'd do anything to wear that outfit. Result, as they say.

12 Replies to “Which Watchmen character are you?”

  1. That is odd. My favorite character is Rorschach, and it also turned out I’m Silk Spectre. I would’ve thought I’d more likely turn out as Night Owl, but instead I get to be his sexy lover. Oh boy!

  2. Justin Isis writes:”You are Doctor Manhattan. You are no longer “human”. You are more of a god. You can do anything you want, including teleporting to other galaxies.”

  3. Peter A Leonard writes:

    Couldn’t resist it…here’s my result –“You are Ozymandias. You are the smartest man in the world and because of this you are extremely rich. You use your wealth and fame to fight crime.”You might have better looking legs than me, but boy can I kick arse!Peter

  4. Of course you know Rorschach was based on a Steve Ditko character named The Question. And Ditko was a big fan of Ayn Rand.Yeah, Rorschach is basically a better-looking, more charismatic version of Ayn Rand. Spookily I am Ms Spectre too.We are legion. Together we could form a fairly successful girl group. “You are Doctor Manhattan. You are no longer “human”. You are more of a god. You can do anything you want, including teleporting to other galaxies.”Okay, well, when the world needs saving, I know which unconcerned god to meet up with on the surface of a desolate planet in order to try and coerce into intervention. Of course, at some point you’ll reveal to me that my entire life is a joke. You might have better looking legs than me, but boy can I kick arse!I don’t know, though, Ozymandias’ legs aren’t bad. “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone”, apparently.

  5. In case anyone was wondering:You are the Silk Spectre. You believe that every human life is valuable but you were forced into crime fighting by your superhero mother.Uncanny.

  6. I knew my lack of a goal focused lifestyle was my mothers fault, I bloody knew it. She can’t argue with this sort of evidence, I shall include it in my fashionably late mothering sunday card. It reads:There is no finer mother,Of that there is no doubt,I will never have another, mother,Thankyou for pushing me out.It now takes on a far more desolate tenor I am sure you will agree.

  7. Surprising….to me anyway. “You are Nite Owl. Some may consider you a recluse but deep down you’re a really good guy who wants to do the right thing.”

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