I’ve made myself sad thinking about Cat Power

But luckily there's music.

Luckily there's the music of Sasa Combe Zoric, for whom, as you all know, I've been writing lyrics like someone with the opportunity to write lyrics for a really great and relatively unknown band.

But Kodagain's Cycast profile has recently been whittled down hugely. So, if you want previews of the kind of material that we're working on, you'll have to visit the Kodagain MySpace page while the tracks in question are still there. The two songs currently featured on that page for which I have provided words are Take This Tip From Me and Kamakura.

Also, I still love this very simple song, for which I always seem to be in the right mood:

And, at this link, there is another of my very favourite Kodagain songs.

I'm still working on lyrics, and someone should probably stop me, before I do myself a mischief. Current titles include My Well Known Views on the Subject and Incompetent Doctors. The most recent of our recorded demos, I believe, has been The Death of Walt Disney.

4 Replies to “I’ve made myself sad thinking about Cat Power”

  1. I think one of the band usually does all the cover art. The same guy who does the videos. I was asked for some suggestions, but they might not be used. I sent links to various images I like. Who’s James Hedges? I’ll have to Google him.

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