Incompetent Doctors

I've just written some more lyrics. (Incidentally, Sasa Zoric has put my last lyrics – My Well Known Views on the Subject – to a really cracking tune.)

Incompetent Doctors

Incompetent doctors,
Cropping up in all the wrong places.
Scrubbing up, tugging on latex gloves
With blasé faces.
Shoving digits in your cavities
Every time you bend your knee to tie your laces.

Incompetent doctors,
Improvising their operations.
Scalpels slip in their drunken grip,
They cry, “Buggeration!
I’m not on duty, anyway.
Let’s call it a day, and stitch up the patient.”

Incompetent doctors,
You cannot compete with them.
We’re proud to present you
A grinning new fleet of them.

Incompetent doctors
Will brook no debate from the victim.
Only lobotomy will cure your tic.
Amputating this limb
Should ease the sickness you complain of,
But first, if you’ll kindly sign this disclaimer.

Incompetent doctors,
You catch up with one and grab his throat.
“It was just a case of mistaken identity.
We wear the same coat.
He and I are two different entities,”
He says, wriggles free, and directly he flees.

Incompetent doctors,
You cannot compete with them.
We’re proud to present you
A grinning new fleet of them.

6 Replies to “Incompetent Doctors”

  1. Peter A Leonard writes:

    It seems strangely appropriate…yet still I should ask: is such realism quite “the thing” in a lyric?All the best.Peter

  2. Well, I had intended it as high comedy, but, during the writing of it, realised that I was quite unable to exaggerate.I had a conversation with someone recently in which it was decided that most doctors, if they were contracted to work for the fire brigade, would conduct the job as follows: Arrive at your burning house, burst in, disable the fire alarm, tell you to call them again if you are still having trouble with your fire alarm in a month’s time, and promptly leave.

  3. Yes, from an Amazon Seller. I also got Meredith Weatherby’s translation of “Confessions of a Mask” a few days ago; I’m not sure if that version’s any good. Has “Italianetto” been published yet?

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