My Life

Just thought I'd attempt some impromtu poetry. I might change this later. I hope all is well with you, despite earthquakes and swine flu.

My Life

Noticed, but unexplained
For instance, the pain in my back,
And the incredulity at talk of love.

Don't look at my face – maybe later.
For now, just look at my hands.
What kind of hands are these?

These are hands like the light
That spills through curtains.

See them grasp and relax
See how their tendons are certain.

This is my life,
Noticed, but unexplained.

Why should there be such a hurry to embrace?
I understand.

7 Replies to “My Life”

  1. Thank you. I don’t usually do stream of consciousness, just because I think you have to be in the right mood. It’s like singing. I can’t sing, but sometimes I get words that want to come out in a spontaneous, non-prosaic way, like the above. I think it’s the closest I get to singing.

  2. that’s the only way i can write poetry. a line comes to me and i write it down. another one comes etc. and it stops when it stops. it’s a good thing i don’t paint that way. :happy:

  3. I used to write poetry much more than I do these days, and I always wanted things to rhyme, but for the most part, I never managed to write with regular, traditional rhyme schemes. I think sometimes, if I ever get the time, I might try some actual poetic training (I know of one course in particular that sounds good). I tend to think of myself as an honorary rather than a technical poet, though. it’s a good thing i don’t paint that way.Some do, I think. I’m not sure if ‘the rules’ and discipline are underrated or overrated these days (possibly the former), but it’s the results that are important.

  4. i think rules are underrated these days. because rules can be tools (i’m rhyming) i think the japanese tradition can be sited here… in art they copy for ten years and then do their own thing. it was the same in the renaissance. you can break the rules if you have a good reason. now principles can’t be broken, but they can be bent. i bend them just to see if they will break. if they don’t break they are real principles. :happy:

  5. i think rules are underrated these days.I suppose I was hedging my bets, but I basically agree.good poem, i really love itThank you very much.

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