5 Replies to “Here comes the night”

  1. I only knew about this song , covered by The Rolling Stones, in their early days.I must admit I like their version better.No dount David Bowie is great, and I like his work a lot as well, especially his earlier work, and his Australian joint-(ad)venture.

  2. I have heard another version of this song, but not the Stones one. I forget who it was now – very early rock’n’roll, I think. and his Australian joint-(ad)venture.I don’t actually know what this is, which surprises me. I think it’s easy to forget how good Bowie’s early work was, because his work latterly, and for a long time, has been so mediocre. There was a time when he was a hero of mine, and I would have liked very much to meet him, but no more. I even have a certain amount of time for the theory he’s been replaced by an android with straighter teeth. Having said that, some of his recent stuff is not bad:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_KBqoktTl0

  3. I don’t actually know what this is, which surprises me.For which there’s probably a good reason.Such as a mix up 😮 And yes, that new killer star is good, the more you hear it, the better it gets 🙂

  4. Haven’t heard this song in years and never heard the other versions. Loved all the different pics of him in the video. This is one of the reasons I liked him so much. He was always changing and always strikingly different.

  5. He’s very photogenic, and he knows it. Apparently he and his first manager, Kenneth Pitt, after the latter (?) had decided that anything looked good on Bowie, used to fantasise about inventing ridiculous looks, like ‘the gardening look’ and so on.

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