I Could Have Made the World Slightly More Beautiful

I Could Have Made the World Slightly More Beautiful

I could have made the world slightly more beautiful,
And it’s not as if I chose to do so little,
But here I am, hanging from a cliff
Feeling my fingers slip, bit by bit
Toward to the edge, losing my grip.

For many things now it’s too late.
I fret with regret.
For many things now it’s too late.
But I’m not dead yet.

I could have made the world slightly more beautiful.
Now that I realise, I feel myself grow dutiful,
But what can I do with both hands occupied
In trying to slow down my grim slide
Toward the rocks, toward the tide?

For many things now it’s too late.
I fret with regret.
For many things now it’s too late.
But I’m not dead yet.

I could have made the world slightly more beautiful.
I must admit, I chose to do very little.

I could have made the world ever-so-slightly less ugly.

It’s not too late.
It’s not too late.

12 Replies to “I Could Have Made the World Slightly More Beautiful”

  1. cool… very understandable.right. it’s not too late. for me it’s still the same daily problem… activate myself or slide through the day. 🙂

  2. Thank you.I don’t know if it’s always the way, but it often seems to take until it’s almost too late to realise that it’s not too late. States of mind can be incredibly stubborn.

  3. i would call it navigating the rapids of change. it’s a tricky business this life.what really helps is to begin every day as totally new. in other words, i am replenished by resting. so, i try again. of course i am never satisfied.

  4. I think it helps me personally to remember that nothing matters… but that can also lead to apathy, or other simliar states. The balance is difficult.

  5. so true. i bridge that gap with, “i care.”early on in life i was an example of “nothing really matters and i don’t care.” it was ideas which caused me to care. and i’m not talking about ‘faith’, i decry faith. religions have caused too many unreasonable events.if there is a good purpose to living it has to be in furthering the just and good. which i only see as coming from sound reasoning. all concoctions of prophets and saints have only muddied the water.

  6. I suppose the idea of reason has never really worked for me. It must mean different things to different people, though. For instance, the Sanskrit word ‘Buddhi’ is translated in my copy of The Bhagavad Gita as ‘Reason’, but this Wikipedia entry describes it as something “higher than the rational mind”:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BuddhiAs far as I can grasp Buddhi (and maybe my conception of it is a misconception), I see it as a very positive form of ‘reason’. Too often, however, my associations with the word reason are those explored in a novel I am currently reading:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_(novel)

  7. hmmmm the labyrinth of words. when i use the word i mean it to mean what i mean. shades of alice.i think what the buddhi connection suggests is a level of consciousness which includes, is speedy, and accurate. example, have you ever heard a famous philosopher like spinosa or berkeley ever refer to levels of perception. no. because that would be metaphysics, not philosophy. and yet we can follow philosophical arguments, agreeing all the way, as if in the same train of thought or ‘reasoning’ with them.all my years, i never read anything which approaches the way i reason. i say, if i think i have a good idea, then it is worthy of my spending energy on it. eventually i will die, so it’s not important to anyone but me. i suppose that makes me an extreme outsider. tough titty.this is rich… why do we project the most dire possibilities.”In the One State, the “Lex Sexualis” states: “Each number has a right to any other number, as to a sexual commodity.” Any individual may file a requisition for sex with any other individual (the pink ticket system). During such sexual hours, the room blinds may be lowered.”

  8. all my years, i never read anything which approaches the way i reason. i say, if i think i have a good idea, then it is worthy of my spending energy on it. eventually i will die, so it’s not important to anyone but me. i suppose that makes me an extreme outsider. tough titty.No, I haven’t either, which is one reason I’ve become very aware that people mean different things when they use the same word. Knowing this can prevent active misunderstanding (though it doesn’t always increase actual understanding).this is rich… why do we project the most dire possibilities.Out of fear, or to be prepared.”I suppose you hate me now, and you’ll probably cut out my kidneys in my sleep and sell them to an illegal organ trader, and then tell everyone that I tortured kittens so that I am shunned, even in the hospital where I’ve just been taken suffering from lack-of-kidneys, and eventually buried on unconsecrated ground… in a swamp. And ever afterwards my name will be used by mothers to scare their children into good behaviour.””Well… not quite. But you shouldn’t take my underwear without asking.””Oh. Well, I thought you were going to cut out my kidneys etc. That’s a relief.”I think people sometimes say the worst thing that could happen so that whatever does happen will seem good in comparison. Or… because they think that then it won’t actually happen.In the case of the book, as with many books, I suppose it’s a way of saying, “Look, if we carry on in this direction, this is where we’re headed.” Sometimes these worst case scenarios occur, too. It seems like Stalinist Russia was not far removed from Ninety-Eighty Four (of course, that’s actually what Orwell based the novel on). I think it’s mentioned in the Wikipedia article, but We is also more humorous in tone than Ninety Eighty-Four, which didn’t have that many belly laughs, as I recall.”In the One State, the “Lex Sexualis” states: “Each number has a right to any other number, as to a sexual commodity.” Any individual may file a requisition for sex with any other individual (the pink ticket system). During such sexual hours, the room blinds may be lowered.”Yeah, this is the only aspect of OneState that seems attractive to me.

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