The Security Implications of Climate Change

Today, the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, will chair a meeting on Climate Change. He does so because he hopes that such a gathering of Heads of Government will galvanise the chances of agreement being reached in December in Copenhagen at COP15.

It seems that he is aware, as are many others, that the threat of climate change is very real and that, as scientists now believe we have less than ninety five months left to avert the risk of its catastrophic consequences, we need to act and act very fast.

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2 Replies to “The Security Implications of Climate Change”

  1. abbass writes:Ah, but I would be wary of all the Global Warming hype around these days.There’s a decent scientific blog at WordPress called Watts Up With That that has a lot of interesting info and opinions by climatologists themselves.Also, check out what the “geo-engineers” are trying to do to “fix” climate change. ETC Group (formerly RAFI) sheds light on the sinister side of climate geo-engineering funded by private groups looking for supranational institutional support.

  2. I’ll have a look.My general feeling is that climate change is real and happening. I don’t think there’s an international global conspiracy of media and scientists. I’ve noticed the change in weather myself – it’s distinct enough. As the article says, it’s not just climate change, either. There seems to be a complete ecological crisis taking place – the sixth extinction, it’s called. Naturally, I’d like for all of this not to be true, as it does tend to cloud the horizon rather, but I don’t feel able to dismiss it simply out of wishful thinking.For me, the question becomes, well, what am I going to do about it? The answer, mainly, is that I’m going to prepare to die. You know all that stuff about seeing things as an opportunity rather than a problem? Well, I see armageddon as an opportunity to rearrange my life priorities and… stuff like that.

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