Tall tales, cliques and whispers (the literary life)…

I had the following dream. There was a mini-bus, a bit like the Mystery Machine, out of Scooby Doo. It was going on a tour, and passengers were invited. I accepted this invitation. Not for the first time in my life, I turned up to find that what I had chosen was not, in fact, the popular choice. I was the only passenger. Still, there was some sense of luxury and privilege in such a position, not to mention, well, uniqueness.

The driver was a very tall, big-boned, soft-bellied homeless man with tangled red locks and a vast red beard, which was eternally damp with drool and alcohol around the region of his lips. He was energetic, however, and loyal and purposeful. This tour had given him purpose. It was his tour, he was in charge, and I was his responsibility.

His loyalty, however, in some way overflowed, and I found myself, quite soon, having to fend off sexual advances. Luckily he got the message. He was much bigger than me, after all, and could have decided not to take 'no' for an answer. On the other hand, I got the sense that he had not given up his designs upon me.

We stopped at a canteen. Troubled in mind, I paced about, making a conscious effort to avoid the driver. What should I do? Should I simply abandon the tour altogether? That would be extremely impolite. No, best to stick with it, and simply fend off whatever advances were made in a demure fashion, like a maiden defending her modesty.

Unfortunately, however, he noticed that I was avoiding him. Our eyes met, and I saw a terrible indignation in his. Soon he had told all his friends in the canteen. They paraded between the aisles there, holding up placards denouncing me as a two-faced traitor.

This is my time.

6 Replies to “Tall tales, cliques and whispers (the literary life)…”

  1. ??? If she is plain my hair is drab!!!Well, that was my reaction when I watched the film – this is some silly Hollowood notion that Tilda Swinton is plain. They should have got Kathy Burke or someone in to play that role.We don’t share the same dreams, but we do share love and appreciation for The Smiths and Morrissey.And that is enough.

  2. Any idea what evoked the dream?That’s the most interesting part of dreams, I think.Well, it’s okay not to share, a yes or no will do fine for me.

  3. I do have my ideas, yes. In fact, I know in great detail what it all means, but I think I’d rather leave it as a kind of story, for people to read into what they wish.

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