The Odd Particle

I'm finding this story, about the Hadron collider, quite fascinating. Anything that totally warps previous conceptions of reality is okay by me.

To quote:

Danish string theory pioneer Holger Bech Nielsen and the Japanese physicist Masao Ninomiya say that the yet to be discovered Higgs Boson could have the ability to turn back time to stop its cover being blown, reports New Scientist.

To quote further:

The duo had proposed to prove their theory by printing millions of cards with the words "carry on" written on them, and then slip in a couple of cards that say "shut the thing down".

They conclude that if you randomly draw out a card that reads "shut the thing down", that Higgs is attempting to influence the future, and that the world's largest machine should be shut down.

I conducted a little experiment of my own a few days ago on this blog. Now I intend to repeat it with questions relating to the collider.

First question put to the Oblique Strategies cards:

Q: Is the Higgs Boson particle, indeed, sabotaging the Hadron collider from the future?

OS: Cut a vital connection

Q: Hmmm. Interesting. Does that mean that the collider should be shut down?

OS: Disconnect from desire

Q: Hmmm. Interesting again. Is the Hadron collider, indeed, against nature?

OS: What mistakes did you make last time?

Q: Are you addressing the human race generally, or referring specifically to the Hadron collider project?

OS: [pack fell open in two places here] Decorate, decorate

Question the heroic approach

Q: This is getting a bit obscure again. I probably shouldn't use either/or questions, anyway. Let's see, what other questions are there to ask on this? Okay, I'll ask a fairly open question. What the hell, if anything, is, in fact, going on with the LHC?

OS: Be dirty

Q:???? What would happen if we found the Higgs Boson particle?

OS: Simply a matter of work

Q: So, it's not that dangerous then?

OS: Destroy:


The most important thing

Q: Ah… this is getting a bit creepy. Let's see. What is the Higgs Boson particle, actually?

OS: Accretion

Q: Now that's pretty fucking esoteric. I'm going to have to actually do research to see if that has any relevance.

Okay, I'll ask again, in the hope of clarifying, are Holger Bech Nielsen and Masao Ninomiya right in their theory about the sabotage of the LHC from the future?

OS: [pack fell open in two places again] Simply a matter of work

Who should be doing this job?
How would they do it?

Q: Hmmm. Okay. Confusing. I feel like you haven't answered the most important question here. I'll try from a different angle. Will we ever find the Higgs Boson particle?

OS: Which elements can be grouped?

Q: Er…. Okay. I think I'll give this a rest for now. Is there anything you'd like to add before I do?

OS: Decorate, decorate

Thank you. I might do that.

3 Replies to “The Odd Particle”

  1. What I’ve previously read about the Higgs Boson refused to stay in my brain, so I’ve just had a quick look at Wikipedia. From the little I understand, ‘accretion’ is not an entirely wacky answer, since it (the Higgs Boson) is what gives other particles mass. I think your interpretation works, but there are some answers that are still… cryptic.

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