Happy Life Day

Never fear, Princess Leia is here to warm your cockles:

Also featuring a touching scene of domestic Wookiee life.

16 Replies to “Happy Life Day”

  1. Mmm, these are people I idolised when I was in my 20’s. I’m glad I didn’t see this at the time it was recorded, it might have scarred me for life.But thank you for blogging, it reminds me how young I was once upon a time.

  2. I think, when I was much younger, if I had heard of this, I would have wanted to see it. Availability of all things being much less in those days, instead of just going on e-bay or Amazon to find a copy, I would have had to dream of a time when it was shown on television. I’ve no idea what I would have made of it, but judging by this clip, I think I would have been perplexed.Here’s a video in which the Holiday Special is referenced:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbVtbc_XzrI

  3. Oh yeh, the other vid put things into better perspective for me, I’m a Star Trek and Star Wars fan even now, if not quite as fanatical as when young. It was like holding up a mirror. Patently, I’m white and nerdy too. Which would be why I straight away cringed watching the vid on your blog.As 21st Century ‘me’ saw it, there they were, the seriously sexy Luke Skywalker and the seriously cool Han Solo, both with facial expressions of innocent and confused school boys, they were not dangerous renegades after all. And spunky Princess Leia looked like their mum. It burst the bubble.I looked with horror as Carrie Fisher started to sing and, I’m sorry to say, the smaltz got too much for me. I had to switch off.I agree with you, though, that 30 years ago my reaction would have been different, I was naive, nice and nincompoopy, just like the fellow in the 2nd vid. Well to be honest I haven’t changed THAT much but 30 years ago I wouldn’t have had the same insights. I was still surrounded by barriers that acted to guard my innocence. Most of which have now been torn down.So excellent blog!

  4. Carrie Fisher reminds me of someone here, and I can’t think who it is. I don’t know whose idea it was for her to sing, but I’m surprised they went through with it.I think I score fairly high in the white and nerdy stakes going by the video in question. Not as much as I would have some years ago, though. I’ve moved on from Earl Grey for the most part.they were not dangerous renegades after all.This is what happens when people are relaxing, off-duty or off-camera (though this wasn’t off-camera, of course). You should never meet your heroes, or attend the same ‘Life Day’ celebrations as them.

  5. Originally posted by quentinscrisp:This is what happens when people are relaxing, off-duty or off-camera (though this wasn’t off-camera, of course). You should never meet your heroes, or attend the same ‘Life Day’ celebrations as them.You’re so right, we’re often able to suspend our disbelief when stars are ‘on set’ hiding behind their make-up. And when the effects are ‘special’ enough to addle our brains and fool us that what we’re looking is “real”. While ‘meet the star’ gigs are … embarrassing. :awww: Mind you, if I take a dislike to a star, off-screen, and it does happen, not even make-up and special effects can hide me from the reality that the person in front of the camera is just an actor. I suppose it’s distrust that breaks the spell.

  6. The older I get the more I feel like it’s okay just to be taken with the illusion. We don’t need to know anything about the real people behind it. It’s always disappointing. They know that, too, which is why they work so hard at the illusion. It’s only good manners and good sense to appreciate the illusion rather than try to see through it.

  7. In what way is it an illusion? Maybe I’ve just been looking at it too long, but all I can see is a perfectly normal girl with four eyes and two mouths.

  8. It does do weird things to the eyes, yes. Have you seen that revolving woman illusion thing? Some people see her revolving one way and some people the other. Something to do with left brain/right brain activity. If you can see her revolve one way and then the other (at will) then it means you’re very special. Or something.

  9. Morning Quentin, well there is that perspective to it and it still makes my eyes bug :awww: a bit looking at it.I rather think that the illusion part comes into it when you roll your eyes either up or down the face locating one set of eyes and mouth separate from the other. With the upper face I see a short haired Barbie and with the lower face I see a long haired Barbie.

  10. Or something, yes *smiles*. I see the woman revolving both ways, so it’s definitely or something. This is a vid all about illusions if you have 5 minutes to spare, hopefully it will show as a vid and not code :)But just hopefully it will show! Not a dicky bird.Okay, well this is the URL ~http://www.metacafe.com/watch/944383/cool_illusionols/

  11. :jester: Hope you have a good sense of humour and won’t take offence (hopefully the pic will show) – well we’re talking about illusions, right? :spock:

  12. Don’t worry. I’m not generally offended by bodies. Or at least, being in possession of a body myself, it would be fairly hypocritical for me to be offended.So, is there a boat?

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