Many things make me anxious, including my horrific tendency to misplace things. This is a tendency badly exacerbated by the fact I have never, in my adult life, had a place of my own to live. The result is that my things are scattered now across various parts of the country.
Amongst the many things I believed to have been misplaced forever was a CD someone had burnt me called Mile-High Blues. Then I thought I rediscovered it in Wales. Then it went missing again round about the time of my recent move to Devon.
And now I have rediscovered it again – last night, in fact. Finding things I had thought lost always makes me feel good, for a while.
Here are some of my favourite tracks from that compilation:
Some that I couldn't find on YouTube:
No Headstone on My Grave, Esther Philips
Overhead Blues, Jack Dupree
Good Times Roll (Creole), Memphis Slim
You can't find everything on the Internet.
There is this, though:
Quentin – I loose keys on a daily basis it appears. This is an important event although I try to laugh it off. I find them again by the old logical re-trace your steps routine. Never fails. Well actually it can do – then blind panic – as time becomes a factor – I have to be somewhere important – how will I lock the front door? – get into the car? – find the spares? – find the originals? – is it any wonder that it took me years to find a partner?Anyway your choice of John Lee Hooker is much appreciated …
With me it tends to be pieces of paper, especially official things like demands for payment. I really don’t know how I manage to muddle through.John Lee Hooker is great.
Milly writes:Oh yeah. That IS a good CD. The person who made it for you must have terrific taste in music
Not just in music, but in other things too. many things for me to name right now.