Forty Four

Many things make me anxious, including my horrific tendency to misplace things. This is a tendency badly exacerbated by the fact I have never, in my adult life, had a place of my own to live. The result is that my things are scattered now across various parts of the country.

Amongst the many things I believed to have been misplaced forever was a CD someone had burnt me called Mile-High Blues. Then I thought I rediscovered it in Wales. Then it went missing again round about the time of my recent move to Devon.

And now I have rediscovered it again – last night, in fact. Finding things I had thought lost always makes me feel good, for a while.

Here are some of my favourite tracks from that compilation:

Some that I couldn't find on YouTube:

No Headstone on My Grave, Esther Philips

Overhead Blues, Jack Dupree

Good Times Roll (Creole), Memphis Slim

You can't find everything on the Internet.

There is this, though:

4 Replies to “Forty Four”

  1. Quentin – I loose keys on a daily basis it appears. This is an important event although I try to laugh it off. I find them again by the old logical re-trace your steps routine. Never fails. Well actually it can do – then blind panic – as time becomes a factor – I have to be somewhere important – how will I lock the front door? – get into the car? – find the spares? – find the originals? – is it any wonder that it took me years to find a partner?Anyway your choice of John Lee Hooker is much appreciated …

  2. With me it tends to be pieces of paper, especially official things like demands for payment. I really don’t know how I manage to muddle through.John Lee Hooker is great.

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