
I mentioned a while back that I'd made a pact with the dead soul of U.G. Krishnamurti.

I'm afraid that it was nothing very edifying. It was quite selfish really. I wanted to fulfil my potential as a writer. Since he had come to me as a spider spirit, his part of the deal was that I simply had to join the spider tribe, to become intimately acquainted with the world of spiders. As someone who has long been averse to spiders, this was a difficult pact to make. Nonetheless, I accepted it.

In my defence, there were unselfish parts of this pact, but there's no point in me talking about those.

Suffice it to say that, if you hear that I have died of the effects of spider venom, you'll know that Krishnamurti has kept his side of the pact, and I have, in turn, honoured mine.

I'll write more about this if I decide to fictionalise it for the story I'm planning under the title, 'The Golden Bacillus'.

Anyway, I mention my meeting with Krishnamurti because it seemed to me that it had been made possible by a global readjustment that was a result of the psychic aftershock of the Haiti earthquake. I felt the Earth come to a kind of standstill and begin to readjust. That was on the 23rd of February. I don't know if anyone else felt anything on that day.

Not long afterwards, I read this article about the Chile earthquake of February the 27th.


I am in no way qualified to talk about the scale of tragedy of either of these earthquakes, so I won't.

Whatever links my visitation and vision might or might not have had to the literal events in the world that made the news, I hope the shift that the world experienced recently was not merely physical. Moreover, I hope that it proves to be an unfolding shift.

I'm not going to talk about such shifts in any specific detail any more, except in works of fiction, because people might take my words 'the wrong way', or something like that. I don't really think I need to give any more details anyway (except, as I said, in fictional form).

I am hoping a time will come when what I have written above will not sound unusual.

In other news, I and everyone at Chomu Press have been working hard to get "Remember You're a One-Ball!" out soon, and preferably in time for the World Horror Convention. I was up pretty late last night working on formatting. Now I intend to do some more preafrooding. … Proofreading.

Here are some blurbs that will be used:

"Drawn back to the secluded village of his childhood, Ramsey Blake takes a teaching job at the school he himself attended, a place of casual cruelty and surreal conspiracies. But the past is not as he remembers, and lines are being drawn. Forced to choose sides, Ramsey finds himself confronting his own role in a decades-old atrocity. “Remember You're a One-Ball!” is – in its recognition of the suffering of outcasts, of the ugly and the forgotten – a work of great compassion."

Justin Isis


"Quentin S. Crisp's work belongs to a tradition of horror literature that both defines the genre and justifies it as a worthy form of artistic expression. Literate, inventive, deeply thoughtful, and concerned with the darkest aspects of human fate, Crisp exemplifies what it means to be a horror writer."

Thomas Ligotti

6 Replies to “Update”

  1. i’m getting quite used to your style and i like it a lot. i am still reading your book; in a leisurely way, now that the sun is hitting my yard again, i get to absorb the light and ponder the indescribable kind of ingrown toenail slant of your stories. i really can relate to someone who thinks out loud and shares those thoughts however angst ridden they may be.reminds me of myself sometimes, only i usually don’t think in such long sentences. 😎

  2. Thank you. I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”the indescribable kind of ingrown toenail slant of your stories”I like this. This could also work as a blurb.

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