From the 25th of this month I shall be in Brighton as a member of the World Horror Convention. I'll have copies of All God's Angels, Beware! if anyone wants to buy them (sorry, I'm not giving them away). I'll probably have five copies, maybe more, if more arrive before Thursday. Just thought I'd let you know, in case any readers are attending.

And if any stalkers are reading, now's your chance. Time to sharpen your love-knives.

12 Replies to “WHC”

  1. Anonymous writes:I aim to please, darling. Seriously, though, I wish I could be there. And I’m not just some crazy person, but I am actually quite a big fan of your work. So maybe I am a crazy person after all…Oh, and I like the fact that the words I had to type to verify that I am actually a person and not a spambot are ideological breaths. Interesting. I think you should use that phrase in one of your stories.

  2. I love those Captcha phrases that they make you type in. I keep meaning to make a note of them. It’s like the made up spam names that are uses in junk e-mail. I keep meaing to jot them down to use for characters in stories. Currently in my spam folder are e-mails from Letisha Tillman, Jesus Renetta, Erin Leonor, Rossana Vena, Penny Chantel, Ching Kellye, Oscar Keys and others. That’s the whole cast of a novel right there.Anyway, I’m sorry to hear you can’t make it to Brighton. You must keep sharpening the knives, though. You never know when you’ll get an opportunity to use them.

  3. Anonymous writes:Captcha codes! That’s right, I totally forgot that’s what they were called, I was trying to remember and I completely drew a blank. In case you are wondering, the one I see right now is “not properer”. What does that mean? I am sure you could give a pretty clever definition of that phrase. And yes, those are definitely some good names you’ve saved there. I must confess I am partial to Rossana Vena for some reason. It just flows of the tongue.Oh, and don’t you worry. I’ll keep these knives nice and sharp as long as you keep publishing your incandescent writing.

  4. “Not Properer” could work as a song title. I’ll have to think about that.I’ll do my best with the incandescence. I’m currently working on a long/short story called ‘The Gay Wolf’, which may or may not see the light of day. I’ve just taken a turn into pages of introspection that I know some people will hate. But I had to do it.

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