The One-Ball Cometh

I think it is now fair to say that my first novel, "Remember You're a One-Ball!" is released.

It is the first publication of Chômu Press, now online.

You may buy a copy from:

Amazon France

Amazon UK

Amazon Canada

Amazon USA

Amazon Japan

Amazon Germany

And Booktopia, Australia.

It's also available from other online retailers, such as Waterstones and Barnes and Noble.

You may read an online review here.

As the Chômu Press website says:

We are a new imprint hoping to make a difference to people’s reading habits, and to improve, if only by the flutter of a butterfly’s wing, the lot of underrated writers.

If you buy the book, and read it, and like it, and would like to support Chômu Press and/or myself, one very helpful thing you could do would be to write an Amazon customer review. In fact, even if you hate the book and want to stab me after reading it, write a review, as it'll be easy to sell this book with the 'Marmite' strategy. So there!

I am hoping to be embarking on a blog tour soon, to promote my magnificent octopus, etc. etc.

More details to follow, if there are any.

11 Replies to “The One-Ball Cometh”

  1. Will certainly do! I’ll probably buy it at Amazon USA. Always willing to support writers!

  2. Hello.Thank you, Heather. I hope you find it a stimulating read.Hello Tom. Thank you.

  3. Robin Davies writes:Aha! Now I’ve read the review I understand the title. And there I was thinking that was a bloodstained bra on the cover…

  4. Originally posted by anonymous:Aha! Now I’ve read the review I understand the title. And there I was thinking that was a bloodstained bra on the cover…It does looks a bit like that, doesn’t it?Originally posted by Nemonymous:I am pleased to report that I’ve just started one of my real-time reviews of this bookThanks. Interested to see what you make of it.

  5. Chris Barker writes:QC: Best of luck with the book. After I’ve disposed of the hundreds of space-consuming books I am consigning to auction, I will procure a copy, as ALL GODS ANGELS has shown me what a stylish and under-rated writer you are.Des: I have and probably always will be confused by Nemonymous. Your website looks like a cheery but surreal Bauhaus art statement, and I still can’t work out how to navigate my way around, or what it’s raison d’etre actually is. I think I understand what a real-time review is…..but beyond that, I’m lost.

  6. “You are not your name, not your body, not your various actions – not even your soul or self. Just dig and see, haul back what you find. And try not laugh or cry when, from the core of reality, you reveal the true nature of ‘you’.” — Lope de Vega (loose translation – 2nd attempt)

  7. Originally posted by anonymous:QC: Best of luck with the book. After I’ve disposed of the hundreds of space-consuming books I am consigning to auction, I will procure a copy, as ALL GODS ANGELS has shown me what a stylish and under-rated writer you are.Thank you. As always, I hope it doesn’t disappoint. It would be terrible to make space for the wrong books.

  8. I have placed my order with Amazon and look forward to a good summer read.

  9. Thank you. I can’t promise it’ll be a feel-good hit, but hopefully it’ll be worth the price.

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