3rd Date of Blog Tour

The 3rd date of the One-Ball Tour is here. I am interviewed briefly by Stuart Young, and any interested readers may ask questions in the comments section.

In related news, another review of "Remember You're a One-Ball!" went online today.

9 Replies to “3rd Date of Blog Tour”

  1. Anonymous writes:Interesting, I have been working on trying to obtain some of your writing ( I have only read your blogs till now), but I am currently a poor college student, so it will take a while. Regardless, I greatly look forward to reading your book(s).

  2. Anonymous writes:Well, lets seeI am currently pursing a Bachelor’s degree in both English Literature and Psychology. The main thing I am aiming for is a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science, which you do not have to a prior bachelor’s degree in (hence the two unrelated earlier degrees). This is what I am currently aiming for, which might change (doubtful).

  3. Anonymous writes:Hopefully, I was not too confusing ( I am not sure what a English equivalent would be to these).Speaking of English Literature,I am somewhat upset by the fact that my school makes very little effort to at least try to cover some other world literature. We do not cover any part of the world (outside America) besides England. Last, but not least. Please excuse any grammar mistakes as I am typing this in a tiny phone.

  4. Anonymous writes:I see that Justin is also doing your introduction. It is good to see him write more. He seems to have talent and I hope he gets his name (along with yours) out in the writing world more.

  5. Hello.Good luck with all your studies. Sadly – and this is a pet peeve – readers in the Anglosphere seem very conservative in reading only writers from their own country. If you write in English, you don’t even have to be translated for people from other countries (outside the Anglosphere) to read your work for pleasure. And yet, in the anglosphere, we seem to have trouble even bothering to read works that are translated into English, let alone reading them in the original.I think the worst part of it is (for me personally) that the literature of the Anglosphere is possibly the most boring in the world, too.I’m very glad you’ve noticed Justin’s introduction and his general talent, which is, indeed, noteworthy. His name will be out in the writing world more, and, if there’s any justice, he will become bigger than, say, Daniel Clowes:http://www.guardian.co.uk/global/2010/jun/13/daniel-clowes-interview

  6. I think it won’t hurt to add that the next scheduled release from Chomu Press is Justin’s debut collection, I Wonder What Human Flesh Tastes Like.

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