Finger not on the pulse

I've begun to collect ridiculous examples of the ways in which I don't share the sentiments of the people that I nonetheless share the planet with. Here is one ridiculous example. I've watched enough of the current series of The X Factor to have an idea of the contestants and so on. Last night the two with the least amount of votes were the two I especially favoured. Although her voice is not beltingly strong, I think Katie Waissel has the most interesting and attractive voice in the competition. I also don't understand why people find her so annoying, but maybe I haven't been watching closely enough. Aiden Grimshaw does not have the best voice ever, but he's a nice boy who manages to be good-looking without being offensively plasticky. I also like his accent. I know some people from the Potteries area and at first I thought that's where he must be from. It turns out he's from Blackpool. (It is my ambition to visit Blackpool at least once before I die.) I'm not sure what conclusion to draw from that. I suppose I had meant to say that I know some people from his part of the world and they are very nice, but I'm not sure I can say that now. Maybe I can say, I know some people that I suspected were from his part of the world, but they might not be, and might not even be from the same part of the world as each other, depending on how big a part of the world you want to take as your sample area, but anyway, these people seem nice in the same kind of way as he is.

I told you it was a ridiculous example.

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