Happy Belated Double Birthday to Dare Wright and Nagai Kafu

Yesterday was Dare Wright's birthday. To my shame, I forgot. It was also Nagai Kafu's birthday. To my shame, I didn't even realise. It is interesting to me, however, that these two very individual and creative people should have been born on the same day of the year, especially as I have linked them in a blog post before, here.

Then let me belatedly celebrate this double birthday with some links. The first link is to the new Japanese translation of Dare Wright's The Lonely Doll.

The second is to a new review of an English translation of Nagai Kafu's American Stories, from Jessica Schneider (which happens to have been posted on Kafu's birthday).

2 Replies to “Happy Belated Double Birthday to Dare Wright and Nagai Kafu”

  1. That’s so cool! I really need to finish American Stories myself.My birthday is a near miss to matching up with Saki’s (December 18th), and fashion photographer Guy Bourdin’s (December 2). I wish that I shared more in common with either, especially Saki… except for the death by sniper.

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