Morrissey supergroup

I know that many Morrissey fans are tired of his old musical collaborators and dissatisfied with some of the new blood in the band, so it's been my project for a while in my limited spare time to devise a Morrissey supergroup. If my ideas meet the approval of enough Morrissey fans, and they sign in the comments as a form of petition, perhaps we can write to Morrissey and get him to take on the 'supergroup' idea.

So, here's what I've come up with so far:

Rhythm guitar – Marco Pirroni, out of Adam and the Ants.

Marco Pirroni seems to me a pretty underrated, inventive guitarist, and obviously good at being a supportive songwriter for the creation of sllightly different pop fare that is a bit experimental without straying too far from the kind of pop and rockabilly that Mozzer loves.

Drums – Reed St. Mark, out of Celtic Frost.

I must admit, this was difficult. My mind was a bit of a blank here, when trying to think of appropriate drummers for the Moz. The truth is, I just happen to like Reed St. Mark's drumming, but it could also be a good thing that this is something of a left-field choice.

Bass guitar – Stuart Morrow, out of New Model Army.

I don't actually know if he's still alive. He's not in New Model Army anymore. He played killer bass-lines, anyway, that were both punk-aggressive and kind of funky. He also had songwriting credits for the band, that could mean some good creative input.

Er… that's as far as I've got, actually. We still need another guitarist (lead, I suppose), and maybe a keyboard player. I'll see if I can think of any other names.

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