London Diary – part five

"And Tiny Tim, who did NOT die…" etc. So, no, I did not actually give up at the point that I gave up in my last instalment of the London diary. Or, I gave up for a day or two, at most. That's not to say I have succeeded in my mission yet, but so much has happened that I cannot really hope to set it all down here.

Carl Sagan and Diana Rigg very kindly arranged things so that I would have an extension of my time here in London, in which to search. I have a new phone (a story in itself, though not necessarily an interesting one), I have it on good authority now (having made enquiries of actual authorities) that I am under no obligation whatsoever to tell a landlord that I will be claiming housing benefit (so all those adverts that say "Sorry, no DSS" are presumably not actually legal in any way, and are just mean-spirited), and I even have new buttons on my tweed jacket that has for so long remained buttonless, these new ones being almost-mint-green, and sewn very tightly and beautifully by Diana Rigg.

And I have viewed about three flats so far, in the space of two days. Existence in London is beginning to look like a theoretical and even a practical possibility. But I must get back to the search, as I only have six days left. My apologies to all those waiting on me for one thing or another who are experiencing delays because of my current suspended lifestyle.

5 Replies to “London Diary – part five”

  1. I knew that it couldn’t be that bad to be on housing assistance over there. Just people being jerks. I’m sure that you’ll find a place Quentin!That being said though, I do not envy your having to go through all this.

  2. I hope so. I’ve even started to be a bit picky. I thought I’d just take the first place that turned up, but… I hesitated. Always fatal.

  3. eventually, if nothing special turns up, just take what we call an SRO (single room occupancy). then you have all the time in the world to keep searching but at least you will still be in london. 💡

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