London Diary – part six

"Reader, I married him."

So… I'm afraid this is a story with a beginning, a middle, and a kind of end, but with nothing (at least on my blog), between the middle and the end. I have found a flat. I find that my desire to be very specific is not strong. Let me say only that it is a pleasant and airy flat somewhere in Lewisham. There have been teething problems. The wash basin in the bathroom is still draining very slowly, for instance. Also, I do not as yet have any furniture that will allow me to do the work I have to do (I work from home) without bringing on semi-crippling pain after a few minutes. At least, I've found a way of sitting that mitigates this effect to some extent, but I really need to get a new desk and chair as a priority. It also looks like my long moribund computer (or hard disk, at least) may finally be approaching its end…

It's unfortunate that things are necessarily so busy for me at present, or I might have time to fill in the end of the story (as I say, not really the end, since we've yet to see how I get on in London), in a way that is satisfactory from any narrative point of view.

I will say this feels like a major change for me, with all the challenges and insecurities that such changes bring, but also with the spring-like sense of poignant possibility. I started a new novel recently, which is extremely inadvisable, as I have very little time and still need to revise the last one I finished…

It's almost eight o'clock. I must go, I'm afraid, and perhaps I'll never have a chance to enumerate the many things, some quite picturesque, that have carried me from the middle to this partial ending…

16 Replies to “London Diary – part six”

  1. good. so now you’re a “london boy”. just steer clear of the precipice.happy to hear you have landed at least. bit by bit… we always say. sinks, chairs etc., seem to arrive by cosmic design. :happy:

  2. Originally posted by I_ArtMan:good. so now you’re a “london boy”. just steer clear of the precipice.happy to hear you have landed at least. bit by bit… we always say. sinks, chairs etc., seem to arrive by cosmic design. A friend who lives nearby has been very generous, but there are still things I don’t have. Today I went out and bought a clothes-horse. I have discovered this evening that the washing machine doesn’t not entirely function. I had a bath-tub full of wet, heavy clothes, and my shirt-sleeves are also wet… My computer has been refusing to work for the last three hours, too. Just got it back up again about five minutes ago… Time passes…

  3. Originally posted by eWatson11:Well, decorate, for heaven’s sake!Not allowed. I dare say I’m only here temporarily anyway. I’m getting tired… I’m old enough for a mid-life crisis but still haven’t done any of the things you’re supposed to do to even get to a mid-life. I actually want a place where I can collapse and kick off my shoes a bit (as opposed to carefully removing my shoes at the threshold). But I’ve pretty much given up hope on ever really being able to afford anything in this life. I’m doomed.

  4. Originally posted by quentinscrisp:But I’ve pretty much given up hope on ever really being able to afford anything in this life. I’m are beginning to sound like me. me and hamlet and you… “whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or…i keep trying to solve the money question and am finally convinced that it must be a cosmic thing. :lol:right now i am forced to drive with an expired license in an unregistered car with outdated plates. this of course means that the city will eventually steal it like they stole my father’s cadillac and my beaten up jeep. when they take a car around here it is immediatly a cost of about $1,800.00 to get it back. gaaarrf. and it’s not my fault even. i got a ticket i couldn’t pay $450. for. just listen to this. three years ago i come to a red light and stop. there are two motorcycle cops pulling people over and ticketing them. the ticket is for stopping in front of a firehouse. it just happens to be on the corner. this is how los angeles is collecting money from all of us. :furious:

  5. Yeah… I keep thinking about about to solve the money question. I don’t even mean in a big way, just in a living-with-a-modicum-of-stability way… I suppose I shouldn’t complain, really. I own a butter dish, after all. Not everyone can say that.Must go to bed, but will probably write a bit more later.

  6. Originally posted by I_ArtMan:good nite…. i have a butter dish too… small consolation. :cool:And now I also have a lemon squeezer, which I’ll have to try and make use of. Originally posted by JohnRenard:Hi Quentin,I saw a post on your Facebook that made me think that you had to move back home.I’m glad to hear that you found something!Yes… It’s actually quite nice. Anxieties occur re the cost of living here… I struggle on.

  7. I seem to have come into this story very late, but being another “London boy”, though an expatriate these days, I am always interested to learn what happens in Gotham/Metropolis. Having come back to your pages Q, I am delighted to see an E.Watson commenting. I once knew a very bright, very gifted Journal-ist by that name and her diary, in OC, of a journey stays in my mind. The description “sublime writing” understates what she created. I never go to FB; don’t have an account there. I consider it to be a flimsy flimflam universe and its standard of communication, as it practices smoke and mirrors (through its acolytes of course) is questionable, at best, and potentially damaging, at worst. But that doesn’t mean my opinion denigrates those who do use FB. They live in an alternate universe where a President Nixon was elected King of Amerika.But you, my friend, seemingly have never changed.. and it’s reassuring to know, from being back here and glancing at your blog, that I feel ‘anchored’ by my visit :up:ps: We both lost touch with each other and I wish I had been smart enough to check your blog and see this story when it began. I’ll go back to part one and catch up. Meantime, I recognize some of the friends who comment here and who did know of your story and I say “hi” to them here :up:

  8. Originally posted by I_ArtMan:. this is how los angeles is collecting money from all of us.ain’t that the same in London too, various ways and means of growing the City revenue!

  9. Hello Lokutus.Thanks for dropping by… If I really haven’t changed, I’m not sure that’s such a good thing. But good or not, I understand that it might be reassuring, and I aim always to reassure.I am kind of on Facebook, but it wasn’t my idea to join. I was coerced. Now I can’t get out. Whatsisname – Zuckerman, or something – could very easily become a hate figure for me, but at least he kills all his own meat now, apparently.Always good to hear from old friends…

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