
I have been hellishly busy of late, so please excuse, once again, if I am neglectful of communication.

Ironically, or appropriately, what I have been busy with has for the most part been communication.

Anyway, this is just the preamble to me posting a link to the Eehaah blog, which was set up today, to chronicle an art project that I am involved in with Dominika Kieruzel.

So far there are two posts and an 'about us' entry.

12 Replies to “Eehaah”

  1. This seems really cool! Are you two familiar with Velimir Khlebnikov and his conception of zaum or ‘trans-sense’ linguistics?It’s not too different from what the inventor of Esperanto was trying to get at with his Pan-European language.I digress, but will keep an anxious eye on this.

  2. Hello John.Thanks. Currently in Portugal, so will be brief. I haven’t heard of Velimir Khlebnikov, but will look him up. Hopefully I’ll get time soon to add more posts to the blog, about some of the conceptions behind Eehaah. In the meantime, Dominika is also adding further posts on the vocabulary, and possibly other things.

  3. I know how you feel. However, I’ve seen a film of my hometown from back in the ’20s and it looked a lot nicer then. Apparently Tulsa was the Art Deco capital of the Americas for a while, in architectural terms anyhow. The city’s governing bodies have allowed it to go to seed since then for the most part.

  4. By the way, I love architecture in London. Ok, not all, but there is a lot of amazing places. I love looking at liverpool street from Tower Bridge. In a lot of places in London there is a great and thoughtful connection between the old and the new.

  5. London? Visually speaking, I’m not sure what my favourite places would be. There are some nice parks. I also like Highgate Cemetery, though you can’t just stroll in casually. And… not sure. I like Chinatown, too, but I like Chinatown anywhere, and that’s as much the smell as anything else.Must go…More later…

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