
I sent this to someone earlier today. Back in the last century I had Hulmerist on VHS, which is where I'm familiar with this video from. I haven't watched it for ages. It struck me today what a great video it is. I've never thought that before. I've always thought that Morrissey's videos were fairly poor, which, let's face it, they generally are. This just happens to be very good live footage.

I should be in bed really. I have an early start tomorrow. But I want to give some idea of why I posted this. Not sure if I can, actually.

I think there's something genuinely good about the spectacle of various people invading the stage to embrace their idol in this way. Somewhere I have an audio recording of a famous gig (in L.A.?), I think when Morrissey was still in The Smiths. You can't see what's happening, but you can hear. Morrissey stops singing and is screaming, apparently at a bouncer (this is not word for word), "My God, what are you doing? Leave him alone! Leave him alone!" That kind of thing.

More recently we hear that David Tseng, Morrissey super-fan was ejected from a gig as no longer welcome. I don't really know why, but it seemed it was something to do with his (Morrissey's) not liking the Morrissey-solo site. All a bit depressing really.

I realise that I just can't explain what I was hoping to get at. So I'll go to bed.

2 Replies to “Wait”

  1. “has Morrisay finally lost it?” that’s quite a horrible title, I can’t imagine reading something like this about myself… The video is excellent really. Whole thing with having fans is very strange. I can imagine I wouldn’t really like the website like Morrisay-solo(have a look at it!), if it was about me. maybe he just shouldn’t read it? but then , that also might be annoying after 15 years. well… I am under impression that it isn’t such an easy situation to judge…

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