Life Is Hard as a Mortuary Technician

In the above video clip, Kim Eng, Eckhart Tolle's associate and partner, talks about "loving the pain body to death". The 'pain body', by the way, is jargon for the ego. It struck me that this would be a fairly neat form of euthanasia, if it were possible to go around loving people to death, or perhaps a more acceptable form of capital punishment. "Those electric chairs are obsolete! We kill all our offenders with LOVE!"

I've also noticed, under many video clips of this kind, that when someone makes a critical comment, the usual dovecote cooing of the disciples turns to a snakepit hiss, though often terminating in a winking smiley, or the sign off "peace". Yeah, peace. As in "rest in".

It's hard being human.

6 Replies to “Life Is Hard as a Mortuary Technician”

  1. At this point I feel that mysticism is a sort of bridge, or sanctuary; perhaps the only place where people can embrace and compassion is possible – and people like this seem to be intent on eradicating compassion even from there.

  2. Yes. I would tend to agree. Just yesterday something came to me with great clarity and simplicity. There are, in this world, psychic vampires (one might call them ‘Archons’) of many varieties. Basically, they are people intent on placing watchtowers (by which I mean this sort of thing:×333.jpg) in other people’s heads. There are some who place the watchtower with the purpose of instilling the idea that joy is an abomination, and there are others who place the watchtower intent on instilling the idea that sadness is an abomination. I would like to place dynamite beneath both these structures.

  3. An actual comment from under an Eckhart Tolle YouTube clip:”I love Tolle. WE are the enlightened ones, not these idiot clowns who don’t practice meditation. They are still stupidly identifying themselves with the ego. We are enlightened. We see reality as it is.”It’s hard to tell whether this is intended as satire from someone else noticing the same thing I’m talking about, or whether this is sincere.

  4. Also, when Kim Eng uses the phrase “unconditional love” in the clip above, I get the feeling that this is a euphemism for “the chill indifference/hostility of the cosmic vampire whose invisible poison fangs are even now sinking into your heart and dissolving its beating away to nothingness”.I realise that Echkhart Tolle could be the next Jesus, or something, and Kim Eng, therefore, the next Mary Magdalene (if we follow Dan Brown’s suggestion), which would make me something like Judas or Pontius Pilate (though vastly less prominent, of course) for saying such things, but… on reflection, Judas or Pontius Pilate are both roles I don’t mind playing.

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