The Internet

I've just heard a depressing rumour – which rings very true to me as someone with experience of selling through Amazon – about Amazon. I really feel that the internet is turning evil, for whatever reason. This led me to contrast suddenly my experience of various online sites and services with my experiences of Opera. I don't feel that Opera have sneakily fucked me over on anything, so that's good. I cannot say the same for Google, Facebook or Amazon.

Oh, or YouTube, either.

Wondering what to do… remembering O'Brien's words to Winston Smith: "If you are a man, Winston, you are the last man. Your kind is extinct; we are the inheritors. Do you understand that you are alone? You are outside history, you are non-existent."

2 Replies to “The Internet”

  1. Opera, Facebook and Google (and their subsidiary, YouTube) are data-mining scams. After Google purchased YouTube, they locked users out of it, forcing them to register Google accounts before they could log in. Now they are restricting certain features unless users link their YouTube accounts to Google+ profiles. Google+ has a ‘real-name’ policy; thus, all YouTube activity will be recorded and linked to your identity.Facebook is the same; note their recent attempt to steal the publishing rights to their users’ photographs.Opera have fucked me over. I asked them to delete my forum posts. They said the system didn’t allow them to delete forum posts and slagged me off – before deleting my request thread. All contemptible, profiteering data-thieves.

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